Setzer Water
Schweppes Setzer Water
Kola Inglesia
Inka Cola
Coca Cola
$2.50 - $10.00
The emollient is a drink that is prepared on the basis of roasted grains of barley, extracts of medicinal herbs, sugar and lemon juice. Among the most used herbs are horsetail, flaxseed, alfalfa, plantain and boldo.
(Glass $2.50, Pitcher $10.00)
$2.50 - $10.00
Glass $2.50, Pitcher $10.00
$2.50 - $10.00
Glass $2.50, Pitcher $10.00
Chicha Morada
$2.50 - $10
Chicha morada is a beverage originated in the Andean regions of PerĂº. The base ingredient of the drink is corn culli or ckolli, which is a Peruvian variety of corn known commonly as purple corn, harvested along the Andes Mountains. (Glass $2.50, Pitcher $10.00)